Baldwin Diesel Guide


Baldwin classDRS-6-4-1600/1 SC
years produced1950-1955
number produced25

NS 1613 Norfolk Southern 1613

c/n 75940, b/d 1/1954
Baldwin photo

NS 1614 NS 1614 Norfolk Southern 1614

c/n 76037, b/d 3/1955
Norfolk Southern 1614
Baldwin photos - collection of Chuck Brewster

A-1-A type
Baldwin photo
Trucks - A-1-A type - 3 axles, 2 motors

Low Hood Carbody
AS416 Drawing
Signed by Herbert L. Broadbelt - from the collection of Kevin Kohls

High Hood Carbody
AS416 High Hood Drawing note coupler to coupler length increased by 6 inches
(from 58' to 58' 6") to accommodate the General Electric
electrical gear that used in the last units built. [6]
From Baldwin Publication 5411, AS-416 (see below)

Diesel Engine
horse power1600

Electric Transmission
All equipped with Westinghouse main generators & traction motors except at the end of production in 1955 when Norfolk Southern 1616 & 1617 were equipped with General Electric main generators & traction motors.

AS-416 Norfolk Southern 1613

c/n 75940, b/d 1/1954

- built for Norfolk Southern as #1613
Baldwin Publication 5411, AS-416

data source: [6] bibliography

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