EMD Switcher Spotting Guide
The following show a typical arrangement of doors, louvers, ladders etc.
These vary from railroad to railroad and change due to modifications over time.

The SW1 is characterized by the single exhaust stack, front sand box and the extra deck space behind the cab.
Later phases had the tall exhaust stack and a straight hood to cab transition.

The Phase I to IV NW2 is characterized by the stepped hood to cab transition.
See the NW2 model pages to distinguish between phases.

The Phase V NW2 is characterized by the straight hood to cab transition and the smaller NW2 opening.

The SW7 has the same profile as the Phase V NW2 with a straight hood to cab transition and six louvered doors.
The SW7 has the larger, full length, front intake opening while the Phase V NW2 has the smaller NW2 opening.

The SW9 and SW1200 are characterized by eight louvered doors, hood door latches and triangler frame gussettes.
The later model SW1200 has open risers on the steps for draft gear inspection.

The SW8, SW900 and SW600 are the same as the SW9/SW1200 but with a single forward exhaust stack.
The later models SW900 & SW600 have open risers on the steps for draft gear inspection.
Note: These excellent drawing are the work of Tom Fassett and used with his generous permission.